Medsync or Medication Synchronization is a system designated to help pharmacies deliver services more efficiently, and patients to receive their medications and alerts on the intake conveniently. At Trusted Tablets 911, we use it to coordinate all of your medications ordered with us and monitor the prescription and refills correspondence. It means that you as our client will cut the number of trips for picking up medications, and you won’t come across your prescription invalidity. Other bonuses are:

  • Free Admission. You won’t need to spend money to be enrolled in this synchronization program. Upon contacting us, we will discuss your medications, refills, and designate a plan that will allow you to save time on receiving qualitative care;
  • Convenient pick up dates. You may want to pick up medications on the selected day and we can accommodate this preference. However, a system also helps to generate the best date for your therapy or care and you won’t run out of medications;
  • Fewer visits. No one will bother you every single day, once-a-month pickup is more than enough to replenish your medications;
  • Professional health updates. After you are enrolled in the program, a system together with our dedicated experts has access to your medical plan. It helps us to maximize the benefits of your treatment with drugs, and prevent undesirable issues regarding the administration.

Besides, Medsync benefits our personnel in the way they are triggered one week in advance to process clients’ orders. Accordingly, we physically cannot postpone your order for later. As a result, by the time you pick up medication, it is already prepared, boxed, completed for receiving.

For more information on Medsync with Trusted Tablets, please feel free to contact our customer support team. We will guide you through the whole variety of benefits.