One of the most popular medications for ED treatment, Viagra s available in its generic version. It has the same effects as the original drug, hence, it’s important to follow the recommended dosage. What is it? Let’s check doctors’ recommendations.

Average dosage

The drug is available in tablet form, the tablets are blue and have a characteristic shape in the form of a small diamond. The choice in favor of the color and special shape of the tablets was not made by chance — it was an advertising move. The manufacturer managed to create a positive image of the medication which increases potency, and the famous blue pill is still associated with that.

Generic Viagra is produced in different forms is available in two available dosages: 50 mg and 100 mg.

Since the tablets are identical in shape and color, it is difficult to distinguish them. If you do not know what dosage of Generic Viagra to take, but at the same time bought the medicine in a dose of 50 mg and 100 mg, then do not remove the tablets from the blister and package. This way, you won’t mix them up.

What the dosage depend on?

Despite the fact that Viagra is a proven drug that has undergone numerous studies, it is recommended to consult a doctor before using it. The specialist will tell you how to choose the dosage of Viagra, taking into account individual characteristics, health status, the complexity of the disease and age. The average daily optimal dose of the drug is 50 mg per day. The tablet should be taken about an hour before the expected intimacy. In this case, the daily dose can be reduced to 25 mg or increased to 100 mg, but not more than 100 mg might be dangerous for health.

The dosage of the medication directly depends on the complexity of the disease, general health and age. Experts do not recommend independently increasing the dose of the drug only in order to increase the number of sexual contacts or prolong sexual intimacy.

The fact is that the action of Sildenafil is aimed precisely at improving erectile function, and other drugs are used to prolong intimacy.

Adult men, starting from 18 years old, are recommended to take the drug in a dose of 50 mg per day. The tablet should be consumed approximately 1 hour before the expected intimacy. If Viagra gives a strong effect in such a dosage, then the amount of the drug can be reduced to 25 mg per day. If the drug has the desired effect in the minimum dose, then the dosage should be left, if not, it can be increased. However, it should be remembered that the maximum dosage of Viagra per day is 100 mg.

What if the current dosage isn’t helpful?

In the case when Viagra at the maximum dose at one time did not help you, this may indicate that the drug is not suitable for you. To eliminate the existing problems with erectile dysfunction, it is advisable for you to contact a sexologist so that the doctor can establish the cause of the disease and eliminate it. Practice shows that a medicine may have no effect on the male body or have minimal effect if taken simultaneously with other medicines.

Increase the dosage only when indicated by your doctor

Anyway, 100 mg dosage is not recommended to be exceeded, this may lead to side effects and overdose. The dose should be increased gradually. For example, if a 50 mg pill does not help you, you can increase dosage only by 25 mg and only a day after taking the pill. That is, if today, after taking a 75 mg tablet (one and a half tablets), you did not feel the desired effect, then the next day the dose can be increased to 100 mg by taking 2 tablets of 50 mg each or 1 tablet at a dose of 100 mg.

The optimal dosage should be calculated by a doctor. You need to consult with a specialist in a specialized clinic to get professional guidelines and recommendations.

The First Use of Sildenafil: When and How Much?

The appearance of sexual disorders in men can be caused by physiological or mental factors. Therefore, the dosage of Generic Viagra for the first time for men is a very important and crucial stage in the treatment of diseases associated with erectile dysfunction. In this regard, experts strongly advise against experimenting with the dose of stimulants and not exceeding the maximum permissible number of tablets per day.

Like Pfizer, the manufacturers of Generic Viagra recommend starting with a 50 mg tablet. Representatives of the American corporation base these recommendations on the results obtained in numerous clinical trials. If the drug in this dosage does not show the desired effect, then the dose can be increased to 100 mg of Sildenafil per day. However, the maximum dosage is rarely prescribed for men, usually the doctor prescribes the drug in this dose only in the most difficult cases.

We recommend to read information about Viagra highest doses:

Beware of side effects

In the course of clinical studies, it has been proven that Sildenafil is equally effective on men of different ages, from 18 to 65 years. Moreover, it demonstrates excellent results with a minimum number of adverse reactions, even for patients of the older age group. Thus, after a man reaches 65 years of age, it is allowed to take the medication in the same doses as for young patients. There are no contraindications to the use of the drug, but only on the condition that the man does not exceed the permissible dosage, and also adheres to the recommendations that are set out in the instructions.

Sildenafil is not recommended to people with problems with the cardiovascular system, liver and kidney failure. Despite the fact that Viagra is a safe means to increase potency, patients with the above health problems should start with the minimum dosage (that is, 25 mg per day). In the presence of sexual stimulation, this amount of Sildenafil is sufficient to obtain the desired effect.

If a person takes medications that contain nitrites, he should refuse from Sildenafil completely. It cannot be combined with any products containing nitrites due to side effects and decreased efficiency.